Chris Fitzgerald

Chris Fitzgerald is an interactive media producer based in Ontario, Canada. She earned at Bachelor of Journalism degree in 2011 and has been working in the digital media industry ever since.

There are two tarot cards that aptly describe her workstyle:

The Magician - interactive media is one of the most dynamic industries in that it combines technology (swords,) art (wands), productization (pentacles,) and entertainment (cups.)  A good magician (producer) utilizes all those tools to manifest amazing experiences. The possibilities are endless, if only they can figure out how to harness them.

The Chariot - when given a purpose and goal (like building an interactive experience), Chris can quickly take action and find the best path to move forward. When the sphinxes (game development team) leading the chariot start heading in opposite directions, she finds the common thread between then to focus them on the intended goal and experience. She also makes sure to celebrate the wins and be ready to switch things up when challenges are thrown in the path.

Outside of work, Chris is a practicing wiccan who enjoys spending time in nature with her wee white dog.

Qualification :

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.